Tag Archives: master key

Week # 22-A – Miracles, miracles, miracles all around us – back to a 2005 movie . . .

image buried time!

Okay – Tears are just my body removing my Defenses. PRE-Webinar video #23: I am positive that I can trust myself, my World within, to CONTINUE the Journey that was started back in 1981.  I’m “burying” time to live by the Compass.  My day and my “sits in silence” are no longer ‘Sprints’ measured by the clock…they have become leisurely, relaxing marathons steered by the Compass of my Future Self.

What was totally IMPOSSIBLE 5 mos ago – admitting my FEAR and trusting my ability to maneuver the Journey, with my feelings & thoughts, gives me added opportunity to see myself overcoming obstacles – where following effortless activity with the Law of Least Effort and stay moving down the path following toward my Bliss.

I’m exercising defenseless-ness. I have observed that daily, during my silence – truly the “sits” reveal my ONE THING:
“The cave I fear to enter holds the treasure that I seek.”  The thing that I have FEAR OF I must use as the NORTH STAR to my COMPASS – BAM!

So similar to JASON’s experience described so well and vivid by Mark J (I got the “goosies” too):
. . . .the FINAL VIDEO he shared (I view today of all days) – Coach Ken Carter –image office.1
Marianne Williamson’s words I have printed and taped to a STAND, on my desk to remind me every day. . . . as you play the video, through tears of gratitude, I get to mouth those words right in front of my eyes!

image desk.1

Thanks for such a SPECIAL GIFT this 23rd week.
I don’t have to wonder why TODAY, 4PM Eastern, Monday the 16th of March, 2015 is when GOD put on my heart to play the post-webbie video and the Universe aligned for me to hear this message . . . one more time:

so I could say,  “THANK YOU”  Mark J & Fabulous Davene – your sharing these MASTER KEYS, not just for some of us, this power is knowledge – it’s the message that this LIGHT INSIDE us comes from the World within – and everyone has it.  It’s in ALL OF US.

GOD’s incredible Gift to us is Our Life.
What we do with our life becomes our Gift back to GOD.

Thanks MKMMA coaches, guides, alumni & Class of 2014-2015 for Cheer-leading each other to get ‘off the bench’ and on the ‘court’ towards the greatness we deserve, encouraging us all to SHINE, just like we were meant to: as children do!  Helping us to find the Point on the Compass where, moving forward we can be fearless to risk and accomplish and even FAIL, without it being FATAL!!


Week #20 – So what you’re saying is, neither the Fox nor the Hedgehog can multitask because of the creative power of thought and The Law of Substitution?

which are you-fox-or-hedgehog

What an exciting week it’s been, following the revelation from the last Webinar that all the habits we’ve been working to develop have been linked and connected in one way or another together.  Not to “ruin it”for next year’s class, but . . . . . .

What a beautiful “tapestry” woven together by Mark J and the Fabulous Davene for all our benefit.  As promised, we’d LOVE THE PAYOFF!  Whether we knew it or not, our brains were bombarding our ‘subbies’ with Og Mandino’sGreatest Salesman in The World ” 3 times a day connecting to our 7-Day Mental Diet (Scroll II); 4 Persistence Habits (Scroll III); Makeover (Scroll IV) and daily Obituary read (with Scroll V).

All these directions each week, giving us massive daily progression connected back to Coach Wooden Pyramid of Success, which linked to the Master Key weekly lesson, which connected back to The 7 Laws of the Mind; which we kept referencing individual Laws: like the Law of Growth progression – designed to concentrate on virtues we’d want to grow, we used the Franklin Make-over; being better observers of Kindness, beginning the habit of journaling our gratitude and kindness comments in the Alliance section.

And each week, our Workbook assignment, we were always Reminded = “Every word, exercise and sequence is there for a reason.”  How true we now see those statements to be.  WELL DONE MKMMA Staff & developers!

I really enjoyed Week 20 Master Key’s lesson: I’ve added 20-13 to an index card: “This power of thought, if understood and correctly used, is the greatest labor-saving device ever dreamed of . . . by the help of this power you can confidently undertake things that are seemingly impossible, because this power is the secret of all inspiration, all genius.”

image keep going

Do It Now!  Do It Now!  Do It Now! Do It Now! Do It Now! Do It Now! Along with the “LOOKING BACK” announcements, we were encouraged to LOOK AHEAD and keep our promises to mentally continue THE NEW HABIT we’ve started, past March 29th into the future, “…and since it is a good habit, this is my will” (from Scroll I).

Enter The Perfect Plan for the Future You = The FOX and the HEDGEHOG.  Seems there was a little book written by essayist Isaiah Berlin, detailing methods to Build the Perfect Business Plan.  “Foxes” are defined as those among us who know lots of information on lots of subjects, so much that weight of these multi-subject folks often suffer from “Analysis Paralysis“. They may know what to do, have 12 approaches on how to, but never take action or sufficient repetitive action to get things moving and complete their tasks to hit their goals.

Not so with our friend the Hedgehog.  Not burdened down by” The Encyclopedia Britanica of choices, approaches, scripts, take-aways, how tos – he simplifies any task and with LASER BEAM Focus he keeps the Main Thing the Main Thing, gets down to the BOTTOM LINE:


#1. What Activity must daily be performed that Drives the Economic Engine and #2.  Plan that Work, then Work that Plan.

REDUCING Any Business into the Ten Most Critical Activities performed on a daily, weekly, monthly basis that are requirements for economic operation = Your Written Plan of Action (WPOA), for example in our Network Marketing/Direct Sales business (in no particular order):

Prospecting, Recruiting, Selling/Retailing, Conference calls, Referrals, Product Knowledge, Events, Ordering materials/Success Tools, Follow-up, Training

Then Narrowing these 10 – in half, to the TOP 5 Critical things: and conduct a “Paired Comparison” to find essentials as to “What drives your economic engine” and CUT the other 5 as NOT Essentials.  The Paired Comparison is going to further thin the ‘herd’ and leave the top TWO PRIME “A” + “B” activities (what our business plan calls:  “being in PHASE ONE“) to spend the majority of your Daily, weekly and monthly “business hours” splitting upwards of 60% on “A” activities and 30% on “B” activities. In our NWM business those are:

A.  Recruiting: Invitations to take a look at our business/Prospecting for New recruits (scouting for potential new business partners as “Talent Development Specialists”) and B. Follow-up:  Sorting those interested in getting their new business off to a FAST-START; from those with questions; to the rest:  Not-Interested at This Time (NITT – what part of making additional income didn’t you like?)  As a Customer Acquisition business, the only way we get PAID is once when somebody becomes a customer of one or more of our essential services.

The same choice people face when approached with a new business venture to consider participation in: Majority of folks out in the world are looking to CHOOSE COMFORT versus perceived risk. When given the Option of Risk vs. Reward – staying in our “comfort zones” is the Easiest OUT – avoids risk, fears, possible pain, embarrassment from peers.  The “Walls” our comfort zones are constructed with: Fear (the”brick” in the wall), Guilt, Unworthiness, Hurt Feelings and Anger (are the mortar).  We CAN instead use those very items as TOOL that help us GET OUT , little by little to enjoy a future of freedom.

image purpose

Give More, Get More.  With practice, these new TOOLS can become a Habit and with an inch here and an inch there, we can STRETCH our comfort zone’s limits – and that zone like our minds, of course, never regains its original shape.  Great news shared with our remaining Classmates:  GENETICS is what got us THIS FAR.  Next, it takes consistent effort – as Kevin Spacey told us “Desire is not Enough.”

And as Haanel explains: There remains dedication to the “hard metal labor so few are willing to do.”

“The First Step towards getting somewhere is to decide (thought) that you are not going to stay where you are!”

image finish

Here is a TRULY FREE OFFER:  It’s NOT a “Point + Click” for Happiness or Rub a Dub-Dub additive for your tub, or creme you rub on your feet before bed or even a CD to play while you sleep = It is about DOING THE WORK.  All that other “will power” stuff, that doesn’t exist.

Click here for Master Key Mastermind Alliance Experience.

Go to the site, there’s NOTHING to Buy – Nothing for sale, but check it out. Caveat though – Sorry we don’t start again till September 2015, but it’s your very best chance for happiness. THE MASTER KEY to understanding your own Hero’s Journey!

Week #19 – The Second Movie Week – When the Cats’s Away, the Mice…..?

This Second Month of 2015 . . .

Haanel explains in this week’s Master Key Lesson, to overcome fear: ” And so it is with vital force. Although we do not know what it is, and possibly may never know, we do know that it is a primary force which manifests through living bodies, and that by complying with the laws and principles by which it is governed, we can open ourselves to a more abundant inflow of this vital energy, and thus express the highest possible degree of mental, moral, and spiritual efficiency.

I wish I would have learned this concept years ago.  “Fear” of the “Bad” or “Evil” things in life governs or controls many people we know.  We probably have all seen evidence where individuals because of fear have lacked abundance, lost their personal power and given in to mental or spiritual depression (… living lives of quiet desperation.)

Of the Top Seven Fears:

1.  the fear of loss of love or affection;

2. the fear of old age;

3. the fear of poverty;

4. the fear of loss of liberty;

5. the fear of loss of health;

6. the loss of life: Death;

7. the loss of social approval – Criticism of Friends&Family and peers

“5. In the physical world there are innumerable contrasts, and these may for convenience sake, be designated by distinctive names. There are sizes, colors, shades or ends to all things. There is a North Pole, and a South Pole, an inside and an outside, a seen and an unseen, but these expressions merely serve to place extremes in contrast.

6. They are names given to two different parts of one quantity. The two extremes are relative; they are not separate entities, but are two parts or aspects of the whole.

7. In the mental world we find the same law; we speak of knowledge and ignorance, but ignorance is but a lack of knowledge and is therefore found to be simply a word to express the absence of knowledge; it has no principle in itself.

8. In the Moral World we again find the same law; we speak of good and evil, but Good is a reality, something tangible, while Evil is found to be simply a negative condition, the absence of Good. Evil is sometimes thought to be a very real condition, but it has no principle, no vitality, no life; we know this because it can always be destroyed by Good; just as Truth destroys Error and light destroys darkness, so Evil vanishes when Good appears; there is therefore but one principle in the Moral World.”   Master Keys, Chapter 19.

WOW…. another Oprah ‘Aha’ moment.  If some of our friends only knew, the FEAR they have of an EVIL in their life is a creation of their own design, because THEY have given POWER to it.  The truth of this Mental Law comes from application of the moral principle: found in the Law of Growth: whatever we think about grows.  What we forget atrophies.  So whatever we “feed” (empower) grows. Therefore, if people instead choose no longer to ‘feed’ their mental energy to their fears, evil will lose its power and be destroyed – “Evil vanishes when Good appears.”

(Master Keys Chap. 17:33-37)  “Remember that power comes through repose. Let the thought dwell upon your object, until it is completely identified with it, until you are conscious of nothing else.  If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage.  If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abudannce.  If you wish to eliminate disease, concentrate on (vibrant) health.  Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact; this is the germ cell, the life principle which goes forth and sets in motion those causes which guide, direct and bring about the necessary relation, which eventually manifest in form.”

Thought is the seed, which results in action, and action results in form.

A practical solution but easier said than done. Those Old Habits from the Old Blueprints in our minds just don’t go away, many can only be REPLACED by a New Habit.  Which concept leads to our movie review & discussion:

Just like the last time, my decision of which movie to watch was based on previous viewing: “FINDING JOE” as I had already seen “I AM“.  I can’t go to the movies on date night with my wife or watch On Demand, HBO or SHOWTIME without looking for the HEROES JOURNEY steps!  Instead of submersion into the characters or plot, my mind is racing, searching for clues to PPNs, DMPs, etc – I fear I’m ruined.  The whole time I’m watching, the voice inside my head keeps asking questions:

What are You pretending not to know?    What would the person You intend to become do next?

What are you PASSIONATE about?

What DRIVES your economic engine?

What can you be THE BEST IN THE WORLD at?

Just get ready folks . . . Quit praying for change…it’s already here, it’s at close as the 6 inches between your ears!  Let this be the year YOU discover – As soon as your subconscious accepts your clear, definite idea, it becomes a DEMAND and all the resources of the Universal Mind go to work on it constantly – 24/7, to manifest your Demand . . . And as long as you daily concentrate your thought on your definite chief aim, as an already existing fact, your subconscious mind will continue accessing a reservoir of infinite resources for its achievement & fulfillment!


This is your One and Only 2015 – this isn’t a Dress Rehersal, this is it!  Live each day as if it’s your last . . . You never know, one day you’ll be right!  And if not tonight, fall to your knees and with a gracious heart – give thanks!    Og Mandino, “The Scroll Marked V.”

Week #13 – Our minds have been stretched and won’t return to their original size!

Here in the United States, this Christmas holiday week, I personally found the recorded webinar replay & audio recordings in my ears helped keep my ‘Head in the Game“.

The Master Key Blueprint-Building exercises (index cards) while starting out innocently with little ‘victories’ (chores like sweeping the porch, being a grateful receiver, etc) have made the DIRECT CONNECTION back to reprogramming our feelings about that “FROG” in our daily business activity we “need to eat” (a la Brian Tracey) or that ACTION we don’t want to do that’s keeping us away from walking through the Fabulous Davene’s “$100,000 dollar door.”  We’ve met the Enemy, and once again it’s US.

YOU are the “Secret Ingredient” for success in 2015!  But don’t be discouraged, you have a ‘couple helpers’ interceding on your behalf – you are not alone in this battle!

image Be strong!

“As the Great Teacher said: “It is not I that doeth the works, but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work.” We must take exactly the same position; we can do nothing to assist in the manifestation, we simply comply with the law, and the All- originating Mind will bring about the result.” Haanel, Master Keys, 10:14 

Between Almighty GOD & one of His ‘wise men’:  Mr. Charles Haanel, we have adequate provision, but . . .  it’s up to us to take action!


History records even Napoleon Hill assessing the value of the “tools” in his toolbox, credits “his” mentor, Charles Haanel in a letter to him on April 21, 1919…
I believe in giving credit where it is due, therefore I believe I ought to inform you that my present success and the success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in The Master-Key System.

Are you ready to make 2015 your year for dramatic Change?  Thanks to this week’s Revelations: leveraging the Law of Dual Thought and the brilliantly described application of NARCNeurological Associative Reactive Conditioning, we have all been blessed to receive another TOOL for our ‘tool box.’  But like every other tool, just because we acquire them @ LOWES or HOME DEPOT, without picking them up – without taking ACTION they have no value in themselves, unless put into action.

Don’t let another year pass by, frustrated comparing yourself to, or watching other’s success: (“I eliminate . . . jealousy, envy, …” Blueprint Builder.)

Making the money you’ve always wanted to make…
Growing a 6 or 7 Figure business seemingly with ease….
Wearing the clothes you want to be wearing…
Driving the car you want to own…

Making the difference you want to make in the lives of your family, your church, missions, charities…

If ever in the past, you’ve secretly told yourself that somehow, despite all your talent and gifts, “other people” have simply caught a “lucky break”…

It’s time to stop this day-dream and come clear with the truth. We found out, back Week #2, that ‘story’ playing in our head was the Old Blueprint.

All the talent in the world is worthless if you don’t do the work to monetize your gifts, talents, and blessing.

The secret to finding true wealth doesn’t come from any external source. It doesn’t require you to wait for someone else. We were told in Week #1 – Introduction to the Master Keys, “You need not acquire this power. You already have it.”

To find the wealth you’ve been looking for, there’s only one place to look: Inside yourself – the world within.
Everything you need to make the money you want to make and become the person you want to be doesn’t come through you.    It comes from within you.

You must take your blessings, talents, and all the qualities that make you unique, then create the strategy and game plan, to make it all come to life.

That means doing whatever it takes to become successful. Because your blessings means nothing if you won’t take action, and do the work to make it happen.

YOU have the talent. God’s given YOU the gift. YOU do the work.

And when you’re willing, take action, and invest in your business and vision, your wealth becomes a reality.

Jim Rohn reminds us: “For things to get better, we must get better.”
“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom

Personal development, from the inside – out, is the path to Success in 2015!  Coach John Wooden would remind us: “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”

Work on yourself, get a little bit better, day- by- day reaching for your Goals!  And stay tuned for more . . . We’re only at the halfway point.  There’s plenty more Goodies to learn over the next 13 weeks !!  C’mon back!

Blessings to all the things you put your hands to in the Coming New Year!  Peace Be your Journey throughout 2015  😀


Week #12. Knowledge Does Not Apply Itself.

Concentration Powers: From this week’s introduction:

You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.”

image there wii B

Mark J started up my week with some excellent, thought-provoking questions (thought fertilizers) in the Pre-webinar video:
Living purposefully 😇. Are your goals vibrant & exciting?

Are your personal pivotal needs (PPNs) authentic?

Is your desire to reach your SMART goals, to truly acquire items you listed?

This caused me review our first week, Master Key 1.3: “The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement, and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.”

Was I even thinking the same ways as when I started the course a little over 12 + weeks ago?  One of my mentors I’ve read & enjoyed 25+ years, the great Jim Rohn says:
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Blends right back into Og Mandino, Scroll: “Herein lies the hidden secret of all man’s accomplishments. I will form good habits and become their slave.”
If we can just begin forming Good Habits at the start, when we are “at the top” of the Motivation + Commitment phase, we might just hang on tight to them when challenges manifest or storms blow, trying to knock us back down to that old Trusty Blueprint – River of Dreams – layers of concrete over our Buddha.

Total Commitment_10-2014
So the same effect of many layers & mixtures of ‘wisdom’ being read, spoken, heard, sung, over & over, giving us different vantage points to absorb similar knowledge.

Vitalizing the Definite Major Purpose (DMP) with a mixture involving part of or all the 5 senses: smell, taste, sight, sound and touch. All the layers upon layers ‘fertilizing’ the fields of our conscious, then ultimately our sub-conscious mind really has the potential over time to completely blot out or more beautifully replace the old Blueprint many of us were using for the past 30, 40, others 50+ years! Right up unto the 2nd, 3rd or 4th week of class.

This week’s task included we continue to weave together our ‘future’ by taking Action in the present.  There is a great tie-in to the “Love” Scroll marked II : from this week’s study questions:

116. What is the principle which gives thought its dynamic power? The Law of Attraction which rests on vibration, which in turn rests upon the law of love. Thought impregnated with love becomes invincible.


Don’t let your guard down, just because you survived Thanksgiving in November, doesn’t mean you’re immune or can’t get tripped up this coming week!  Master Key 12:4-a: “The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success.”

Guard your mind – be aware of the Gatekeepers duty!
“When any object or purpose is clearly held in thought, its precipitation, in tangible and visible form, is merely a question of time. The vision always precedes; and itself determines the realization.” — Lilian Whiting

Week 9 – To those celebrating: Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a Good Night!

Happy Turkey Day


The only word I can use to describe the calendar choices made by Mark J and the fabulous Davene, timing Scroll II (…with Love in My Heart) along with the Master Key Lessons aligning together to support the Significant Emotional Events wrapped up in all the holiday get-togethers typically experienced during this season of the year.

What an absolute brilliant choice having these all “intersect” at this highly charged, emotionally challenging time of year! How valuable to have within our reach several “tools” added to our knowledge base (Tool chest) allowing us not to struggle through alone, by ourselves, but instead”… welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.”

Many times during the “Pre-game” right into the celebration around the dinner table it seemed my “Auto-pilot” had unconsciously Kicked-in.  I found myself absent from the “inner-voice” conversation, (the Ghosts of Thanksgivings-past) passing judgments on others ‘table-talk.’  I don’t know if any other classmates can relate, but this had to be the 1st Thanksgiving meal where someone else’s statements or remarks didn’t automatically generate my unsolicitedOpinions” rejecting or correcting their comments.  I truly found myself, when “… tempted to criticize” – biting my tongue, instead of participating in any escalating shouting matches of the past, later ending in apologies – asking for forgiveness at the end of the day!

Another ‘Truth‘ from our Blueprint Builder has become “Self-evident“: certain dominating thoughts of our mind have reproduced themselves in outward manifestation and physical actions.  Layer by layer, these dominating thoughts concentrated on minutes at a time, day after day, month by month are transforming themselves into physical reality, helping us as architectsof our minds” create crystal clear mental pictures of the THINGS we desire to have and the FUTURE PERSON we wish to turn from “Stranger” into intimate friend!

This THANKSGIVING Season I am humbled to Add to my list of GRATITUDE the extra-ordinary support, devotion & concerned dedication I’ve experienced first-hand from our awesome MKMMA Expert/Coach – Certified Guides.  In over two decades since enrolling in my first Network Marketing venture, it is certainly rare to find the demonstrated care, custody & concern exhibited by my Personal Certified Guide!  His weekly communication, encouragement, accountability & challenges to press forward – followed by positive reinforcement are things in the past I’ve ever only received AFTER paying for them, not volunteered or freely given, without expectation of repayment!

When my “emotional roller coaster” ride had me off-the-tracks, ‘Stuck in a ditch‘ (which was the ‘effect‘ of my negative attitude, which had been the ‘cause‘!) following the 3rd Revision of my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) – I wimped-out, succumbed to the battle . . . lost focus, gave up, walked away for an entire week – with little explanation – other than ANGER & FRUSTRATION! (Can I get an “AMEN!” out there . . . anyone?)

The kindness & compassion from my Certified Guide never skipped a beat. Instead of agreeing with my excuses, his email reply challenged me to Revise & Get back to him (DO THE WORK!):
You’ll get there, it’s a process and your life you are creating, so DIG IN and have FUN!”

On other successful teams in my life, the BEST Coaches, Leaders and mentors I’ve been lucky to “play” for have always found ways to let me know THEY believed in me BEFORE I believed in myself or in times of DOUBT, when I felt like the ‘well‘ of my Belief had “Run Dry” – they were there to tell me to GO FOR IT!”

The day before THANKSGIVING in my mailbox with the week’s collection of bills, an innocent looking plain, white business-size envelope from New York arrived. (Curiosity…curiosity! Never mind the bills, let’s look in here First!)
And what to my curious eyes did appear, but a hand-written note of encouragement from my Certified Guide, along with a physical representation . . . of the object in back of it = a little plastic Compass, and his admonition:

“. . . to help you Focus on your ‘Bliss’
” – You are doing Great.”
” – Keep Digging,

Gratitude, thankfulness . . . there are not enough words to sufficiently describe or begin to repay the debt owed for: Paid-Forward pre-paid Scholarships, time, energy and talent provided by all those members of the Master Keys Mastermind Alliance, founders, graduates, patrons, educators, guides, MKMMA friends & family. During this season where we are called to remember, affirm and GIVE THANKS for all those instrumental in our past years growth & success: Part 9’s introduction is quite timely and appropriate:

“…we desire to change conditions, how are we to bring this about? The reply is simple: By the law of growth. Cause and effect are as absolute and undeviating in the hidden realm of thought as in the world of material things.”

“Hold in mind the condition desired; affirm it as an already existing fact. This indicates the value of a powerful affirmation. By constant repetition it becomes a part of ourselves. We are actually changing ourselves; are making ourselves what we want to be.”

“Character is not a thing of chance, but it is the result of continued effort.”

Do yr Best

Godspeed and Good Luck to all my fellow-members in the Class of 2014-2015 as we persist through another holiday season and into the new year ahead! Hope you and yours enjoyed the Best THANKSGIVING Holiday weekend on record!!

If you must choose to FAIL at something – Fail To QUIT!!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re traveling seems all uphill;
When the funds are low and the debts are high–
When you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit:
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit!

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won–had he stuck it out!
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–
You may succeed with another blow!

Success is failure turned inside out–
The silver tints of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are–
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit:
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit!

Author Unknown

Week 7 – the 7 Day Mental Diet – GROUNDHOG DAY!

Groundhog Day

When the Fabulous Davene remarked how difficult she found it not to have a negative thought, negative emotion or statement come out of her mouth for seven days . . . I thought she was just kidding!

 I have never stretched my vision, made a decision to be ALL IN and been blown away by the challenge like the one presented by Emmet Fox and his 7 – Day Mental Diet.  Was it Yogi Berra who said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again!”

I thought surviving 13-weeks basic training at Great Lakes Navy Recruit Training Command was tough.  It seemed like I became one of my favorite Bill Murray characters in his Classic – GROUNDHOG DAY movie.  I’d be happily approaching the 24 hour mark on the initial day and then . . . POW!  Negative explosion: no problem, I encouraged myself.  Zig Ziglar tells me, it’s not how many times you fall . .

Zig Z - Bounce

I’d just begin again.  Now I couldn’t maintain my ‘positive’ state another hour! Aaarrrggghhhh!!  Like GROUNDHOG DAY the Movie, every morning I got out of bed this week, I reset my clock & arrived back at ONE Minute and counting . . .

Chpt 7. 27 – Haanel’ reminds us this week:  I will be what I will to be.

If it’s change I want, I must change. There is No “Try” (Yoda)  only Do or Do Not.  We must DO IT!

Peace be the Journey . . . . . Bliss be your tour guide 🙂

Week 6 – We greet the Day with Love in our Hearts and each night we end, looking in the Eye of the Man in the Mirror

Little monk

This week our Daily Blueprint-Building exercises really ran on all 8 cylinders!  There was a host of DIRECT CONNECTIONS each day to all 7 methods of learning, filling in the gaps between our New Scroll – II – and for me, the TRICK that really made it all come together, must have been the blending between: combinations of Press Release versions; full length DMP and Movie Trailer versions.

When mixed together at different spots during the week, i guess i could compare it to MUSCLE CONFUSION in a weight lifting routine.  The neurons were getting hit by so many different versions of the same info, it caused a massive connection to be made.

My Blueprint Builder became jealous, only read 5 times this week, but I really enjoyed the ‘project’ of construction with the shapes, colors and pictures compiled on the Dream Board.


Several times in my office environment i was asked to explain the ‘compass’ around my neck and (without opinions) i offered my description of the contrast between living by the CLOCK vs the COMPASS.  Created numerous smiles 🙂

All in all – this has probably been the MOST FUN i’ve enjoyed, posting comments, LIKEing and TWEETing  – For all the Mastermind Classmates who have followed me – please accept my heartfelt apologies for not sending “THKU 4 the Follow” msgs. Like grade-school “art projects” I was able to involve my lovely wife, Linda, in the building project for our dream-board.  There are so many good memories tied to that ‘performance-based acceptance’ in completing projects for show & tell in front of the class (PPNs: Recognition for Creative Expression!)

On the ‘Roller coaster” of life this week, we shared in the sorrow from the loss of a Father, by a dear family friend and business partner in our NWM company.  The FB posts out-pouring of love, support, prayers, condolences were inspirational.  It reminded me in Haanel’s MasterKey – Foreword, pg. v.  When I consider the impact and power of the written words shared over & over again on those Facebook posts – something today instantaneous, almost taken for granted, that didn’t exist 10, 20 or 50 years ago.  It’s as if Haanel was standing on those “tall shoulders” – peering ahead from the 19th Century, into the future, when he wrote:   “. . . we find that the most powerful forces of man are his invisible forces, his spiritual forces and the only way in which the spiritual force can manifest is through the process of thinking.  Thinking is the only activity which the spirit possesses and thought is the only product of thinking. .  . reasoning is a spiritual process, ideas are spiritual conceptions . . .”

Thoughts are things – words are the outward expression of man’s inward thoughts of courage, power, inspiration, harmony, etc.  We truly are in the middle of that dawn of a new day, Haanel and others speak of!

Hang on with both hands,  for the Journey continues . . .

In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it’s wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.”Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia

Week 4: I am that I am. I can be what I will to be!


You are what you willed to be!
“Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

Pay-it-Forward Principle in GOD’s economy: applies to various commodities or valued items. Not only “money or riches;” consider: time with your children, repetitions in your workout, attention to your spouse, practice to a sport or vocation, musical performance or sales scripts or presentations, etc.

1. By the measure you meet, it shall be measured back to you.
Whatsoever you soweth – size of gift is relative: If you sow “sparingly” you will reap sparingly.

2. However, regardless how little you sow, the Harvest will tend to be MORE than you sowed! (Plant one kernel of corn, a whole stalk grows at maturity with 4-5 ears, full of hundreds of kernels!)

3. Whatsoever you sow: the Harvest will match like-kind – if you sow potatoes, you’ll also REAP potatoes; you won’t expect to reap corn or apples. Don’t complain about the Harvest…if you didn’t get any: there’s a good chance you didn’t invest your time giving any away FIRST!  (MasterKeys 4:9 “If you cannot do these things it is because you have thus far not made the necessary effort.”)

4. Timeline: you must have already sown FIRST, then later on, there’s a Harvest time. Don’t expect a harvest of something you haven’t sown yet! We must be of service!

Never anticipate you’ll harvest anything BEFORE you’ve sown it and it’s ripe & matured. (MasterKeys 4:20 & 21).

The fool does in the end, what the wise man did in the beginning.
You have to put in the time, energy & dedication: Do The Work First.

The only place to ever find SUCCESS before WORK is in the dictionary!

Thank you Mark J, coaches and all those students who we strive to stay in harmony with. Before the added concentration of the past 3 weeks, I don’t know if I ever really took the time to appreciate this energy & power with its proper credit. When I stop and consider how I arrived at this precise place in time where I currently find myself, I am persuaded my journey has been “under construction” focused by mental activity from the “within.” There continues to be little doubt, all I have, every last item I’ve surrounded myself with is all due to the accumulation of the dominating thoughts of my mind which have regularly reproduced themselves in outward, physical actions and gradually transformed themselves into physical reality. Any desire which I have persistently held in my mind, dwelled upon, actively dreamed about, eventually has ‘materialized’ not magically, but by expression through some practical means of attaining the object, here in the world without!

I came to the conclusion years ago: I am most definitely an eternal “spirit-critter” wrapped in a temporary “earth suit” on a mission sojourning in this dimension, but for a finite period of time on this little blue planet. While I’m here, however long that may be, my chief aim & purpose is to help others and be of service – lining right up with my Personal Pivotal Needs & Desires!

Week 3 – adding a second story above the Foundation

Total Commitment_10-2014

This week has been so exciting and encouraging compared with plodding through Week #2. I feel as if, like building a high-rise on Miami Beach, we’re adding another Master Keyfloor‘ to the “construction levels” on top of the foundation of the new Blueprint defining details in the movie of the rest of our life!

Instead of the aggravation of pulling AGAINST the ruts in the old paths of STAYING THE SAME, something changed.? The Pain of Change must have hit some kind of equilibrium point against the pain of staying the same, because the ‘volume‘ of that little voice inside my head objecting to the noon readings or criticizing me speaking enthusiastically grew more quiet as the week progressed.

Our fearless leader (Mark J.  – This isn’t Rocket Science!) more than once while coaching described the wisdom behind taking Baby Steps along this new path to lull our sub-conscience (the subby) into acceptance, getting past the Guard at the Gate of our mind. I completely agree with his estimate, if we had been told all the moving parts the first day, Week #1, for most of those who could process it: our heads would have EXPLODED!  🙂

With the wisdom of Coach Vince Lombardi beginning each season with a roomful of seasoned veterans and yet still instructing, “Gentleman, this is a football” I have absorbed each Sunday this “new thinking” at an agreeable pace. Not trying to take a drink out of a “FIREHOSE” – every weeks additional task or feature has not snowballed out-of-controll, where I ever felt overwhelmed or unable to keep up.

This method for my logical mind has clearly provided a way, connecting the dots, where I easily link together my Definite Major Purpose (DMP) empowered by weaving into that ‘tapestry’, my Personal Pivotal Needs (PPNs) and next SMART Goals, emotionally charging “the movie” we’re directing!

With this much positive reinforcement from the Staff & Certified Guides I have no doubt as to why I’ve seen the number of Alumni in attendance – continuing to build upon their initial results! In Mandino’s GREATEST SALESMAN: The First Scroll is clear to teach whatever success we expect to repeat is found in the obedience to the Law of forming Good Habits and becoming their slave.

Slowly but surely the mysterious mind of this 53 yr “Old Dog is learning New Tricks“. Destroying old habits and digging new furrows prepared for the coming weeks good seed! A Mastermind Mentor reminds me, “The basic fundamentals in any field are the foundations of success. Once we learn and master the basics in that field we become more confident. Confidence breeds success! The fastest, most efficient way to build confidence is to become comfortable with what you are doing. We have to learn how to master the mundane, which is paramount to accomplishing goals.

I always keep my promises and in my minds eye anticipate a future where in 20+ weeks with childlike enthusiasm, I have developed the self-confidence necessary to choose very carefully only to hold in my mind dominating thoughts I intend to reproduce into outward results which pull me effortlessly towards achieving my definite major purpose! My heart is filled with gratitude approaching this Thanksgiving season for the commitment demonstrated by students before me to Pay-forward my Scholarship and all the others, sharing a gift, freely, willingly and without expectation of return.

Thank you all.    Blessings to your Journeys